
Showing posts from 2019 My new title is on Amazon The Harlequin  come and listen to my Podcast on Anchor
The Harlequin  is ready for preorder on just click on the link, Also I released a  Podcast on Anchor just click link,


Hello and welcome to my blog. My name, if you haven't already guessed, is D. B. Watson and I'm a writer. I plan to post my journey to becoming a published writer. I will share my experience and heartaches accomplishing my goals with you. I plan to launch my first novel called The Harlequin - A Two-Timer Series to Amazon in another month. I have four books written in this series already. I'm reading an amazing writer's fiction books plus his writer help books. His name is Chris Fox and you can find him on Amazon, Audible, and He has inspired me and gave me hope that there's still a chance to become a published writer. Even at my grand age of 53. I want to show you that it's never too late to be the person you always believed you can be. So please join me on this journey.